Create websites 10x faster

Introducing AI no-code platform for building your websites
in minutes, not hours.

From idea to publishing.

Generate website from description

content & design

Generate entire blocks in seconds

Edit elements with conversational UI

Having hard time finding the right button?

Introducing Conversational UI

Gently put that magnifying glass into trash.

Just describe the desired look or content while our AI will take care of all of the hard work. Make sure you fastened your seatbelts ’cause it’s blazing fast ⚡️. Make it stand out? Hell yeah. Create marketing copy for my product? Sure. How about that hot trendy dashed border 1px and round corners? Done.

Forget the blank page

Start with a text description. Get your entire website. Gather feedback.

Have you ever wanted to launch a landing page to get an email list of people interested in your product, but got frustrated about wasting several hours or even days coming up with marketing and design ideas in order to build a website? Now you can do 80% of the work with just one click 🚀. Endless design variations of your idea . Right at your fingertips.


Business ideas left untouched because you didn't know where to start

Midjourney for websites?


Create pro-level designs with AI

Imagination is not limited with complicated tools anymore 🎨. Create unique branding in seconds, use it throughout the whole website. Further Conversational UI editing will follow the initial design guidelines.

But wait... Who are you?

Daniil Korogodsky


AI Researcher from Samsung

Amiran Mstoyan


AI Engineer from Huawei

Our mission

As entrepreneurs we understand that building a website can be a daunting task, yet one which yields exponentially high returns. Since internet is the only place where everyone has an ultimate freedom to share value with the world, it is unfair that one has to waste hours doing boring repetitive work instead of focusing on what’s really important – idea and vision. That is why we’ve designed our platform to be accessible to anyone, regardless of their skill level.

Humanity is being right at the tip of a new era of AI interfaces that change the way we work and raise our productivity to previously unmatched heights allowing to bring even more brilliant ideas to life. It’s never been easier to find information (Bing), write a novel (ChatGPT), create an art piece (Midjourney). Now the time has come for websites. That’s why we’ve designed Essai to become

The Easiest Entry Point for Creating a Website in the Entire Web.

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